Our focus is to bring all aspects of total site development together in a single point, turn-key package for owners, developers and general contractors. Services include:
Land clearing
Erosion and sediment control
Bulk earthwork
Rock blasting and crushing
Site utilities (Stormwater, sanitary sewer and water line)
Concrete curbing and flatwork
Asphalt paving and striping
Projects ranging from small to large, no matter the challenges or complexity, Watts Services is more than capable to complete them efficiently and on-time. Our portfolio of successfully completed projects is a testament to the capabilities we have as an organization.
At the core of each one of our successful projects is our commitment to safety. We strive to invest in continuous training to reinforce our pledge to a safe site for our employees and clients. We reinforce safe behaviors throughout the company and in each employee, including clients and subcontractors. We empower everyone on our sites with the authority to stop work if they foresee an unsafe circumstance. Our commitment to safety and training has resulted in our holding a notable workers’ comp experience modifier.
· 2022: .808 2023: .819
· 2021: .819 2024: .801
· 2020: .823 2025: .743
· 2019: .862